Simply Better Data Management with Rubrik & AWS

Get full control of your data the easiest way possible—with one platform to manage all your applications, from the data center to cloud.

Simply a better way to relax and enjoy your summer.

Have a brief call with Rubrik and AWS to discuss ways to simplify and streamline your data management strategy, and get a free Fatboy Lamzac Air Beanbag 3.0 after your meeting.

Take a 20-minute call with us and get your Fatboy Lamzac Air Beanbag 3.0

Fatboy Lamzac Air Beanbag 3.0

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Why Rubrik & AWS?

Rubrik delivers a simple software solution to automate data protection and enable application mobility across your hybrid cloud environment on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Accelerate your cloud journey with automated archival application recovery and cloud-native protection for workloads running on AWS. Rubrik orchestrates all your critical data management functions, including backup, recover, search, archival, analytics, and more.

Enjoy the benefits of:

Unified management

Unified management

Self-service automation

Self-service automation

Data security

Data security

Rapid recovery

Rapid recovery

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Learn more about accelerating app delivery on AWS with Rubrik.

The constant growth of data puts pressure on today’s enterprises to archive, retrieve, manage, and secure their data assets more efficiently. In response, organizations are shedding complex legacy data solutions and increasingly adopting simplified data management solutions for AWS to deliver seamless customer experiences and optimize operations.

See how you can:

  • Reduce the risk of downtime
  • Achieve operational efficiency
  • Optimize cost
  • Realize cloud modernization
Download the ebook