Data Encryption in the Cloud
A Practical Guide to Cloud Data Encryption
The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Data Encryption
Ken Hui, a Technical Marketing Engineer, covers the basics of encryption 101, in addition to covering advanced topics from key generation, to leak mitigation, and secret key encryption. Below you’ll get a brief overview of the following areas.
Why Cloud Data Encryption Matters?
In recent years, you have likely heard the term data encryption come up in conversation more frequently. As an ever-growing amount of our data becomes digital, the need for proper encryption has become increasingly important.
The integration of digital technology into all areas of business has resulted in more of our data being stored on computers and websites targeted by hackers. This has significantly increased the number of data breaches occurring, put encryption into the public spotlight, and heightened organizations’ vulnerability to malware attacks. For numerous reasons, like misconfigured storage repositories and unpatched vulnerabilities, this trend is likely to continue. Data encryption interest, products, and research are all on the rise due to these aforementioned factors.

Encryption’s Role in Preventing Ransomware
As mentioned, data encryption in the cloud has been big news as of late but not in a way IT professionals would have hoped. From stolen consumer information to sensitive data leaks, it seems that no one’s data has been safe as of late. Data encryption’s ascendancy to the public conscience emerged with the proliferation of a type of malware attack called ransomware.
The effectiveness of data encryption in ransomware also highlights why it should be a cornerstone of any company’s security posture. Given its capability to make data unreadable to those who do not have the key to unlock it, encryption can be a powerful tool for protecting data confidentiality. We are now moving to a world where every piece of data should be encrypted, whether in transit between devices or stored at rest in your servers.
The effects of these attacks have been far reaching—the Equifax breach impacted 145 MM consumers and the recent breach of a top hotel chain resulted in nearly 500 MM consumers’ data being hacked. In addition to these large-scale attacks, companies must also keep in mind that more employees working remotely on a wide range of devices expands the threat landscape.

Encryption & Public Cloud
Practices to Mitigate Leaks
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is data encryption in the cloud?
Data encryption in the cloud is the process of encrypting data as it is uploaded to the cloud, securely storing the data, then decrypting it when requested by users at a later time.
What encryption is used for cloud storage?
A variety of encryption methods are used for cloud storage including HTTPS and SSL during transfer and encrypted storage.
Does cloud storage encrypt data?
Rubrik cloud storage and backups automatically encrypt data but not all backup providers use encrypted backups.