Subprocessor | Description of Services | Location of Processing | How Used |
Amazon Web Services | Used for cloud infrastructure services to support Rubrik's delivery of products and services, such as facilitating support file transfers, logs, etc. | Australia, Germany, Israel, Singapore, United Kingdom and USA | Technology Services |
Amazon Bedrock assisted features for customers enrolled in selected offerings or who opt-in to use certain features. | USA | Ancillary or Technology services | | Atlassian (JIRA) | Ticketing system to track Customer reported bugs and enhancements. | USA | Customer Support |
Auth0 | Used to provide authentication services for Rubrik's Security Cloud Platform. | USA | Technology Services |
Box | FTP services enabling customers to share large files with Rubrik for troubleshooting. | USA | Customer Support |
Chronosphere | Used for collection, aggregation, and measurement of product metrics and statistics. | USA | Ancillary Services |
Clickhouse | Used to collect service and application logs related to Data Security Posture Management products and services. | USA | Technology Services |
dbt Labs, Inc. | Data transformation tool used to provide big data framework analvtics. | USA | Ancillary or Technology services | |
FullStory, Inc. | Used to collect service and application logs related to Data Security Posture Management products and services. | USA | Ancillary Services |
Google | Google Cloud Platform: Cloud services used by Rubrik in the delivery and support of products and services. | Global1 | Technology Services |
Workplace/Gmail: Used as a customer support communication platform. | USA | Customer Support | | Used to collect service and application logs related to Rubrik products and services. | USA and the Netherlands | Ancillary Services |
Microsoft (Azure) | Used for cloud infrastructure and hosting services to support Rubrik’s delivery of products and services. | Global2 | Technology Services |
Azure OpenAI assisted features for customers enrolled in selected offerings or who opt-in to use certain features. | USA | Ancillary or Technology Services | MongoDB | Used for collection, aggregation, and measurement of Data Security Posture Management product metrics and statistics. | USA | Ancillary Services |
Observo Inc. | Used for error log optimization for products and services. | USA | Ancillary Services |
Pinecone Systems, Inc | A vector database tool used to store, index, and query high-dimensional data such as text, images, and audio for customers enrolled in selected offerings or who opt-in to use certain features. | USA | Technology Services |
ReadMe | Troubleshooting documentation platform used in support of the Data Security Posture Management products and services. | USA | Technology Services |
Salesforce (Service Console - Cases) | Used as a customer support ticketing and case management platform. | USA | Customer Support |
Slack Technologies, LLC | Used to collect service and application logs related to Data Security Posture Management products and services. | USA | Customer Support |
Snowflake | Big data framework used for analytics. | USA | Ancillary Services |
Zoom | VoIP service used to collaborate, screen share and record customer technical support calls. | USA | Technology Services |