Rubrik Subprocessors

Third-Party Subprocessors

Last updated: February 3, 2025

This list identifies subprocessors that are authorized under the agreement between Rubrik and the Customer to process customer personal data as part of a Rubrik service (Service).  All subprocessors have gone through a data privacy assessment to determine the type of service they will provide, the associated processing activity and type of customer personal data that the subprocessor will be authorized to process. The list below does not apply to services that Rubrik provides on an evaluation basis, as a proof of concept or to any services that have not been commercially released.

The following subprocessors may be used by Rubrik to: (i) provide technologies used by Rubrik to deliver Services; (ii) provide customers with support associated with the services; (iii) provide an ancillary service to help support, operate and maintain a Rubrik service; or (iv) otherwise process customer personal data in connection with the provision of Rubrik services.

Subprocessor Description of Services Location of Processing How Used
Amazon Web Services Used for cloud infrastructure services to support Rubrik's delivery of products and services, such as facilitating support file transfers, logs, etc. Australia, Germany, Israel, Singapore, United Kingdom and USA Technology Services
Amazon Bedrock assisted features for customers enrolled in selected offerings or who opt-in to use certain features. USA Ancillary or Technology services
Atlassian (JIRA) Ticketing system to track Customer reported bugs and enhancements. USA Customer Support
Auth0 Used to provide authentication services for Rubrik's Security Cloud Platform. USA Technology Services
Box FTP services enabling customers to share large files with Rubrik for troubleshooting. USA Customer Support
Chronosphere Used for collection, aggregation, and measurement of product metrics and statistics. USA Ancillary Services
Clickhouse Used to collect service and application logs related to Data Security Posture Management products and services. USA Technology Services
dbt Labs, Inc. Data transformation tool used to provide big data framework analvtics. USA Ancillary or Technology services
FullStory, Inc. Used to collect service and application logs related to Data Security Posture Management products and services. USA Ancillary Services
Google Google Cloud Platform: Cloud services used by Rubrik in the delivery and support of products and services. Global1 Technology Services
Workplace/Gmail: Used as a customer support communication platform. USA Customer Support Used to collect service and application logs related to Rubrik products and services. USA and the Netherlands Ancillary Services
Microsoft (Azure) Used for cloud infrastructure and hosting services to support Rubrik’s delivery of products and services. Global2 Technology Services
Azure OpenAI assisted features for customers enrolled in selected offerings or who opt-in to use certain features. USA Ancillary or Technology Services
MongoDB Used for collection, aggregation, and measurement of Data Security Posture Management product metrics and statistics. USA Ancillary Services
Observo Inc. Used for error log optimization for products and services. USA Ancillary Services
Pinecone Systems, Inc A vector database tool used to store, index, and query high-dimensional data such as text, images, and audio for customers enrolled in selected offerings or who opt-in to use certain features. USA Technology Services
ReadMe Troubleshooting documentation platform used in support of the Data Security Posture Management products and services. USA Technology Services
Salesforce (Service Console - Cases) Used as a customer support ticketing and case management platform. USA Customer Support
Slack Technologies, LLC Used to collect service and application logs related to Data Security Posture Management products and services. USA Customer Support
Snowflake Big data framework used for analytics. USA Ancillary Services
Zoom VoIP service used to collaborate, screen share and record customer technical support calls. USA Technology Services

1During deployment, Customer may select from the following regions: [Australia, Belgium, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA].
2During deployment, Customer may select from the following regions: [Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA]

Affiliate Subprocessors 

Rubrik engages Rubrik Affiliates in the table below to perform limited activities in connection with Rubrik Services. The table shows the entity relevant to our Rubrik Service and limited processing activity each entity is authorized to perform with respect to customer personal data.

In the course of performing this activity, the Rubrik Affiliate may require limited, authorized access to customer personal data to respond to customer-initiated requests or as needed to maintain security and integrity of our Services.

The ultimate parent company for all Rubrik Affiliates listed below is Rubrik, Inc.

Legal Entity/Affiliate Limited Processing Activity Location of Processing Business
Rubrik, Inc. Customer support and/or engineering may be engaged for customer support issues.
Information Security is engaged to maintain infrastructure security and monitor business and enterprise applications.
Information Technology is engaged to administer and manage FTP file-sharing applications.
USA Customer Support
Information Security
Information Technology
Rubrik Cloud Data Management Inc. Customer support may be engaged for customer support issues.
Information Security is engaged to maintain infrastructure security and monitor business and enterprise applications.
Canada Customer Support
Information Security
Rubrik Cloud Data Management Limited Customer support and/or engineering may be engaged for customer support issues.
Information Security is engaged to maintain infrastructure security and monitor business and enterprise applications.
Ireland Customer Support
Information Security
Rubrik India Private Limited Customer support and/or engineering may be engaged for customer support issues.
Information Security is engaged to maintain infrastructure security and monitor business and enterprise applications.
India Customer Support
Information Security
Rubrik Japan KK Customer support may be engaged for customer support issues. Japan Customer Support
Rubrik Middle East FZ - LLC Customer support may be engaged for customer support issues. United Arab Emirates Customer Support
Rubrik The Netherlands B.V. Customer support may be engaged for customer support issues.
Information Security is engaged to maintain infrastructure security and monitor business and enterprise applications.
Netherlands Customer Support
Information Security
Rubrik Singapore Pte Limited Customer support may be engaged for customer support issues. Singapore Customer Support
Rubrik UK Ltd. Information Security is engaged to maintain infrastructure security and monitor business and enterprise applications. United Kingdom Information Security
Laminar Israel Ltd. Customer support and/or engineering may be engaged for customer support issues. Israel Customer Support