The Home Depot Manages a Large-Scale Rubrik Deployment

The Home Depot is one of Rubrik’s biggest customers, having automated Rubrik Edge across 2,200+ stores.

As a result, they were able to:

  • Reduce backup time from 12 hours to 45 minutes

  • Gain 206 business days of added productivity

  • Save $1M each year from consolidating systems 

What could your organization do with those kinds of wins?

Accept a brief meeting to learn more about how Rubrik gives The Home Depot confidence and security, and we’ll send you a $100 gift card!

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A Rubrik representative will reach out to you shortly. 

*This gift card is intended for customers and prospects of Rubrik. Rubrik reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this offer at any time for any reason without notice. See Terms and Conditions.

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