on-demand webinar
Rubrik on Rubrik: Backup Archive and Replication

Rubrik is world renowned for protecting our customers' most critical data. Why? Because we spend countless hours refining our solutions based on feedback we receive from the market. And one of our most critical customers happens to be our very own engineering team. When you think about our production workloads, sensitive employee data, customer databases, and archived files, we have quite a bit at stake to protect.
Known as the Rubrik on Rubrik program, our engineers stress-test our solutions to ensure our products are the best-in-class. But not just the solutions themselves, the methods and best practices behind them to keep processes optimal.
Join us for a live demo of how Rubrik IT uses the Rubrik Cloud Data Management (CDM) platform to backup, replicate & archive on-prem workloads.
During the session, you’ll get:
An introduction to Rubrik IT
Backup, archive, and replication best practices
An overview of the Rubrik Data Protection architecture & vision
A demo of backup, archive and replication within CDM and a demo of our instant disaster recovery (DR) feature