State & local
New York Office of General Services IT Umbrella Contract No. PM69732 (Manufacturer-based)
NYS Vendor ID 1100233779
About the Contract
The OGS Division of Procurement Services (Procurement Services) is responsible for developing and managing centralized Contracts for New York authorized users. Procurement Services has developed this contracting model for Information Technology (IT) procurement which will enable an authorized user to procure from specific Lots for Software, Hardware, Cloud Solutions, and Implementation Services. The procurements shall be competitive at the transactional level via a Request for Quotations (RFQ) and will allow an Authorized User the ability to procure within any of the Lots or across Lots.
Rubrik participates in Lot 3, Cloud, and Lot 4, Implementation.
Contract Documents (NY OGS Contract Site)
Rubrik’s IT Umbrella Contract can be found on the NY OGS website, including:
NY OGS Reseller Monthly Report Template
Rubrik Points of Contact
Contracts Manager
Esthel Brennan
Account Manager
Brett Biestek
Account Executive, New York State