
Secure your future with Rubrik

Legacy backups can’t handle today’s threat landscape.

94% of organizations experienced a significant cyberattack in 2023.


of the time, attackers tried to affect backups


of those backup attacks were at least partially successful


of attacks targeted the victim's cloud environments

Switch to comprehensive cyber resilience

From datacenters to SaaS environments and the cloud, keep your business cyber resilient before, during, and after a breach.

Safeguard your data with secure backups

Protect your data from insider threats or ransomware with air-gapped, immutable, access-controlled backups.

Monitor data risk for fast investigation

Continuously monitor threats to your data, including ransomware, data destruction, and IOCs.

Reduce data exposure risk

Proactively identify and monitor sensitive data exposure, and reduce exfiltration risks.

Restore business operations faster

Test and orchestrate recovery workflows before and reduce the risk of reinfection after an attack.

Simpson Strong-Tie Constructs Complete Cyber Resilience with Rubrik

The need for data security and cyber resilience in today's landscape has turned the IT world upside down. Your traditional disaster recovery solutions do not apply today. It was clear that our previous backup solution was not equipped to face the growing cyber threats staring at us in the face.

John Meng
VP of IT Operations and Infrastructure, Simpson Strong-Tie
Simpson strong

Why you need to pull the plug on legacy backup

It’s just a matter of time before legacy backup lets you down. Here’s why you need to let go before it’s too late.

Gorilla Guide: Cyber Resilience for Databases

Don't bet your future on legacy solutions.

Whether it’s through the slow pace of innovation, the disparate solutions that cost your team time, or a cyberattack that slows your organization to a halt, all legacy solutions come with a hidden price tag.

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Secure your future with Rubrik

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