It must be nearly time for VMworld, because I’m tingly with excitement. From Opening Acts through vBacon, the community glow this annual virtualization event puts out is both educational and energizing. Hopefully, you’ve managed to secure your pass and find a hotel that doesn’t require both legs and arms for the nightly deposit. And remember folks – avoid the Tenderloin!
On a related topic, you might have noticed me dropping some epic Star Wars LEGO sets at various VMware User Group events as Rubrik giveaways for those in attendance. And there’s a mountain more where that came from! In fact, my co-presenter Arvind “Nitro” Nithrakashyap and myself have picked out our favorite sets from the Battle of Hoth series! I’m going to call this photo Serious Business to reflect our somber moods. 😉
What does this all have to do with VMworld? Here’s the scoop – I’ve painstakingly collected all of the Battle of Hoth Star Wars LEGO sets from Episode V. And one lucky winner can take them all home (or we’ll ship them to you)! Simply sign up and attend our session at VMworld entitled Instant Application Recovery and DevOps Infrastructure for VMware Environments – A Technical Deep Dive for a double dose of awesome: a snazzy (and nerdy) session, plus a chance to delight upon a bountiful feast of LEGO goodness. Must be present to win!
Best of luck to those in attendance, and I’ll have special sets available for audience partition. Make sure to get registered and into the room because you must be present to win and I’m fairly certain space will go quickly. May the force be with you!