Our critical infrastructure is under attack
With critical infrastructure more connected, mobile, and automated than ever, you need to protect it from operational failures and increasing cyberattacks.

What’s really at stake
When critical infrastructure goes down, the effects can be felt well beyond one organization. A single attack can affect households, organizations, hospitals, and more, putting lives at risk.
Attacks are more frequent
There was a 140% increase in cyberattacks against critical infrastructure in 2022, according to a Waterfall Security report.
Attacks are devastating
The US Department of Homeland Security says attacks on critical infrastructure threaten “national security, economic prosperity, and public health and safety.”
The future looks bleak
With the current rate, cyberattacks could shut down 15,000 industrial sites by 2027, according to Waterfall Security.
You can’t afford an attack on operational technology
The outages caused by an attack on operational technology can take down critical services, resulting in loss of life.
Rubrik Security Cloud for Government safeguards your critical infrastructure
Give your constituents the essential services they need—even when under attack.
Modernize services
Deliver safe, reliable public utilities and services to your constituents.
Increase resiliency
Keep your agency running even in the face of disasters and cyberattacks.
Minimize costs
Allocate your budget where it matters most and reduce where possible.
Maintain trust
Provide trusted, secure services that your constituents can rely on.
Protect critical data and systems
Secure your data with air-gapped, immutable, and access-controlled backups.
Enhance security monitoring
Continuously monitor for data threats, including ransomware and indicators of compromise.
Accelerate recovery
Recover exactly what you need rather than performing mass restores that slow you down.
Increase availability and uptime
Gain visibility into your data and ensure it’s available at all times.
Increase cyber resiliency
Reduce your cyber incident impact and respond quickly and confidently.
Validate your recovery plans
Improve cyber readiness by easily testing and orchestrating recovery workflows.
Report, Observe, Act: Cyber Recovery for Critical Infrastructure
Critical infrastructure is under attack—and it's your responsibility to report those attacks, minimize future risk, and recover quickly. Here's how to do it.

Rubrik is certified to protect your data
Rubrik Security Cloud for Government is StateRAMP certified, and our FedRAMP certification is in process.

Rubrik for your critical infrastructure
Rubrik is secure by design—not through bolt-on features to make up for lackluster security.
Rubrik’s immutable file system prevents unauthorized access or deletion of backups.
Zero Trust
Rubrik is the pioneer in Zero Trust Data Security™, delivering complete cyber resilience.
Rubrik uses role-based access control (RBAC), so only the right people can get into your environment.
Ready to get started?
Get a personalized demo of the Rubrik Zero Trust Data Security platform.