Secure Your Unstructured Data at Petabyte-scale
Protect, monitor, and rapidly recover against cyber attacks at petabyte-scale

Maximize security and efficiency for your unstructured data
Rubrik NAS Cloud Direct protects petabyte-scale unstructured data efficiently, enables continuous monitoring and identification of cyber threats, and orchestrates rapid NAS data recovery and archival to on-premises or the cloud.
Modernize NAS Data Protection
Streamline petabyte-scale NAS data protection with 10x performance over legacy NDMP
Cyber-Proof NAS Data
Safeguard your NAS data, detect malicious activity and uncover sensitive data exposure
Orchestrate Faster NAS Data Recovery and Archival
Rapidly recover or archive petabyte-scale NAS data to on-premises, cloud, or alternate targets
How It Works: Rubrik NAS Protection
Have more data than you can actually secure? Learn how Rubrik keeps up with reliable backups, rapid recovery, and flexible NAS data management.

Unparalleled performance and efficiency
Effortlessly scan, index, and move billions of files and objects in just a week with zero hardware. NAS Cloud Direct employs parallel data streams to optimize network throughput and ensures minimal user disruption through dynamic throttling.

Highly secure NAS backups
Protect your NAS data from cyber-attacks with encryption at-rest, immutable, air-gapped backups and credential isolation. Prevent attackers from discovering your NAS backups and ensure data cannot be modified, deleted, or encrypted.

Ransomware detection and sensitive data monitoring
Quickly identify and locate which NAS files were impacted by ransomware using Rubrik Anomaly Detection. Identify the presence of sensitive NAS data and gain insights into security posture to limit the risk of exposure.
Robust Support of S3 Storage Platforms
Protect your on-premises S3-compatible object stores and benefit from improved security, ultra-fast speeds, operational efficiency, and quicker granular recovery. Seamlessly integrate with on-premises S3 storage platforms such as Dell ECS, NetApp StorageGrid, Pure Flashblade, Cloudian,, RedHat CEPH and IBM Cloud Object Storage.

Powerful search and recovery orchestration
Search across billions of files quickly and orchestrate rapid petabyte-scale NAS recovery to on-prem, cloud, or alternate targets. Recover only affected NAS data with the help of Rubrik Anomaly Detection’s impact analysis.

Cloud archival for improved cost savings
Identify aged or growing datasets quickly and directly archive to any cloud platform (AWS, Azure, GCP) and storage tier. NAS Cloud Direct optimizes your storage strategy by bundling files into larger data blobs and employing compression techniques for backup and archive data. This not only reduces transaction and storage costs but also results in substantial savings on hardware and licensing expenses.

API integration with storage platforms
NAS-CD offers interoperability with generic NAS systems and API-level integration with Dell EMC Isilon, NetApp FAS, Pure FlashBlade, and Qumulo. As a result, a single NAS-CD instance provides data protection even for heterogeneous storage environments.
Unstructured Data Management with NAS Cloud Direct
Learn the benefits of Unstructured data security with Rubrik NAS Cloud Direct (NAS-CD) such as data visibility, high-performance, high-density data protection, data index-and search, and data archive

How It Works: Rubrik NAS Cloud Direct
This document is designed to acquaint readers with the functionalities, architectural design, and operational processes related to safeguarding unstructured data, whether on-premises or in the cloud, using Rubrik Security Cloud. The insights provided here will benefit those assessing, planning, or deploying the technologies covered in this guide.
Solving the Unstructured Data Challenge
Your unstructured data is coming from all corners of your company: email clients, sensors, social media programs, printers, word processing and presentation software; basically any digital program you’re running.
Quantum Spacial CS
We’re a technology company. We invest heavily into the systems that enable us to provide the right products and services to our customer base in a timely manner.
NAS Cloud Direct
Explore Rubrik for NAS Cloud Direct (NAS CD) to learn how simple it is to protect and secure your unstructured data at scale.