Trademark Guidelines
Rubrik, Inc. (“Rubrik”) owns various trademarks, service marks, logos, designs, trade dress and other source-identifying elements (collectively, the “Marks”). A listing of the current Marks is maintained by Rubrik’s legal department. These Marks are extremely valuable intellectual property assets and should be treated as such. Any unauthorized or improper use of Rubrik’s Marks may constitute infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal, state and international laws.
Scope and Applicability
These Trademark Guidelines govern all use and reproduction of all Marks. Use of the Marks other than in accordance with these Trademark Guidelines is a violation of Rubrik’s rights and is prohibited. If you are a party to a written license or other agreement with Rubrik, your agreement may include specific guidelines governing use of the Marks. If so, you must follow the guidelines specified in your agreement in addition to those set forth herein. If your agreement has no special guidelines governing use, or if you are not a party to a written agreement with Rubrik, you are required to follow these Trademark Guidelines.
These Trademark Guidelines are applicable worldwide.
General Usage Guidelines
The following guidelines apply for use of any type of Mark:
1. Use the ® or ™symbol, as appropriate, in connection with each particular Mark, to indicate Rubrik’s claim of ownership and the registration status of the Mark. The proper symbol is required for prominent uses of a Mark, including in titles and headlines and on brochures, signage, websites, data sheets, etc. The proper symbol should also be used in connection with the first use of a Mark in the body of text, even if the symbol has also been used in prominent locations.
Example: RUBRIK®
2.Anytime a Mark is used or referenced, include the following statement to designate ownership of the Mark: “[MARK] is a [registered] trademark of Rubrik, Inc.”
Example: “RUBRIK® and the Rubrik logo are registered trademarks of Rubrik, Inc.
3. Any use of the Marks must be truthful, fair, and accurate and never false, deceptive, unethical, misrepresentative, or misleading in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, the following.
a. Any use of the Marks must not mislead consumers as to any Rubrik sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of another company or of another company’s products or service.
b. The Marks may not be used as part of, combined with, or in close proximity to, a name of a product or service of a company other than Rubrik.
c. The Marks may not be presented or used in a manner that suggests that editorial content by a third party has been authored by, or represents the views or opinions of, Rubrik.
4. The Marks may not be used in a disparaging manner or in any manner that prejudices, derogates, dilutes, or impairs the rights of Rubrik in such Mark.
5. The Marks may not be used or presented in any manner that is, or in connection with any other material or content that is, defamatory, libelous, obscene, offensive, infringing on another's rights, or otherwise objectionable.
6. Advertising for Rubrik or its products or services using the Marks must be in compliance with any and all applicable local, state, national and international law, municipal ordinance, and administrative agency regulation or any city, town, state, country, or region.
7. Use of any of the Marks (including use that is identical to, incorporates, embodies or is confusingly similar to any of the Marks) in any trademark, service mark, design, logo, trade name, corporate name, product name, brand or line name, domain name, social media or similar account, toll-free number, or other source-identifying element, subscription, channel, account or otherwise is prohibited.
Word Marks - Usage Guidelines
For use of word Marks, the following guidelines apply in addition to the General Usage Guidelines above:
1. Always use the Marks in a distinctive and special manner. If used in regular text copy, set off the Marks from the surrounding text by using CAPITALIZATION, underlining, italicization, placing in “quotation marks,” depicting in boldface type, or depicting in a different font.
2. Always use the Marks as adjectives to modify generic nouns and never as nouns or verbs themselves.
Correct: “RUBRIK® data protection services enable businesses to recover quickly from ransomware attacks.”
Incorrect: “RUBRIK® enables businesses to recover quickly from ransomware attacks.”
a. Because the Marks are adjectives, they should never be used in the plural or possessive form.
Correct: “These are features of the RUBRIK® data security system.”
Incorrect: “These are RUBRIK®’s features.”
b. The RUBRIK® mark identifies products and services offered by Rubrik, Inc. and is not the name of a category of products or services. As such, the term “Rubrik” or “rubrik” should never be used as a name of a product or service.
Correct: “Use RUBRIK® data protection services to backup our systems.”
Incorrect: “Use my Rubrik to backup our systems.”
3. Never shorten, abbreviate, hyphenate, create acronyms for, or otherwise modify the Marks. Never create new marks that contain the Marks or variations of the Marks.
Correct: RUBRIK
Incorrect: RBRK or RUBRIKED
Stylized or Design Marks (“Logos”) - Usage Guidelines
Use of Rubrik Logos requires a license or other prior express written authorization from Rubrik. Any unauthorized or improper use of Rubrik’s Marks may constitute infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal, state and international laws.
When using a Rubrik Logo, you must adhere to the terms of your license or other written agreement, the General Usage Guidelines above, and the following additional requirements:
1. All Logos must be reproduced from materials provided by Rubrik.
2. Never alter a Logo without prior express written authorization from Rubrik. Never obscure, distort, cut off or place any copy or design over a Logo or use incorrect color schemes.
3. Each representation of the Logo must be consistent, undistorted, and clear.
a. All design features must appear in exactly the same spatial relationship to one another as set forth in the graphic samples provided by Rubrik.
b. A Logo may not be displayed in a size so small that design features of the Logo are lost.
c. A Logo must appear by itself, in a reasonable size, and must have a minimum amount of space on either side and above and below it that equals its height.
4. A Logo may not be displayed as a primary or prominent feature on any non-Rubrik materials.
5. Use of the Logo must be in compliance with Rubrik’s Brand Identity Guidelines, including any partner guidelines, as applicable.
Company Name vs. Trademark
“Rubrik” functions not only as a trademark and service mark identifying goods and services offered by Rubrik, but also as a company name referring to Rubrik, Inc. When used as a company name, “Rubrik” is a noun, may be used in the possessive form, and should not be followed by a trademark symbol. Within documents, the first reference to the company name should be “Rubrik, Inc.” “Rubrik” can be used for subsequent references.
Misuse of Marks by Others
If you learn of any uses of any trademarks or service marks that are confusingly similar to the Marks, please notify Rubrik by sending an e-mail to Similarly, if you become aware of any use of a Mark that violates any of the rules described above, including failure to identify a Mark as belonging to Rubrik, please notify us at If possible, please provide a copy of the article or other medium in which the trademark violation appeared.
Sponsorship Agreements
If you are a party to a sponsorship agreement with Rubrik, the following conditions apply in addition to the above guidelines.
Any license granted by Rubrik pursuant to a sponsorship agreement is revocable, limited term, and non-exclusive.
Any license granted by Rubrik pursuant to a sponsorship agreement does NOT include the right to:
a) Use Rubrik Marks outside of indicating that Rubrik is a sponsor of the event.
b) Use Rubrik Marks in any manner that indicates Rubrik is endorsing any other company, product, or service.
c) Display Rubrik Marks in places other than: i) your official website, ii) on banners, brochures, and other tangible mediums only at the event, or iii) for advertising materials for the event.
Any license granted by Rubrik pursuant to a sponsorship agreement terminates one week after the conclusion of the event. You must thereafter promptly destroy all copies of any Rubrik Marks; provided, however, electronic copies may be retained solely for the purpose of historical reference.