Ransomware Recovery Warranty FAQ
What is Rubrik’s Ransomware Recovery Warranty?
Rubrik offers a first-of-its-kind Ransomware Recovery Warranty to eligible Enterprise Edition and Enterprise Proactive Edition customers that covers up to $10 million in recovery incident expenses incurred while attempting to recover data protected by the Eligible Solution. Rubrik Enterprise Edition and Enterprise Proactive Edition deliver complete ransomware remediation with a single subscription license. With Enterprise Edition and Enterprise Proactive Edition, you get the resiliency against ransomware that makes it easier and faster to recover from a ransomware attack while also identifying your sensitive data exposure. Data protected in Rubrik Cloud Vault, built on Microsoft Azure, is also eligible to be covered by Rubrik’s warranty. Whether your data is backed up on premises or in the cloud, Rubrik’s warranty assures you that your data will be available when you need it most. Together, the Rubrik Zero Trust Data Security solution and the Ransomware Recovery Warranty help reduce cyber risk and provide the ultimate peace of mind, keeping your data secure in the face of surging cyberattacks.
What constitutes an Eligible Solution to qualify for warranty coverage?
An Eligible Solution is a subscription to a minimum of 250 TB of the Rubrik Security Cloud Enterprise Edition or Enterprise Proactive Edition specific SKU along with a concurrent subscription to a Customer Experience Manager (CEM) service. Note: In order for warranty coverage to be activated, customers must: (i) enroll in the Ransomware Recovery Warranty program, (ii) accept the terms and conditions of the Ransomware Recovery Warranty Agreement, and (iii) comply with all of the data security best practices, including conducting and complying with health checks performed by the CEM at initial deployment and on a monthly basis throughout the applicable warranty period.
What protected data is covered by the warranty?
Customer data successfully backed up by an Eligible Solution and stored in: (1) the customer’s premises on Rubrik cluster(s) by Rubrik cluster software, (2) the backup tier of Rubrik Cloud Vault configured with immutability and the Instant Archive setting enabled in the SLA Policy, or (3) a Rubrik managed cloud storage environment. Protected data must be secured with Retention Lock (Compliance Mode) enabled in the applicable SLA Policy.
Customers can find a list of workloads supported under the warranty in the Support portal.
What ransomware incidents can trigger this warranty?
A ransomware incident is when a malware software program infects a customer’s systems from external sources (i.e., in the wild), which installs, persists, and encrypts a material portion of files, and continues to demand payment in order to decrypt the encrypted files.
What is Rubrik Enterprise Edition?
Enterprise Edition is Rubrik’s comprehensive ransomware remediation solution that helps customers identify the blast radius of an attack, scan for indicators of compromise to avoid malware reinfection, discover sensitive data to manage exfiltration risk, and orchestrate application recovery. Enterprise Edition delivers on Rubrik’s approach to Zero Trust Data Security, enabling customers to reduce cyber risk and recover from cyberattacks faster.
What is Rubrik Enterprise Proactive Edition?
Enterprise Proactive Edition includes all the capabilities of Enterprise Edition, plus capabilities to help improve data security posture. Customers can identify cybersecurity risks against their data and help remediate such risks before malicious actors can take advantage of them. Enterprise Proactive Edition helps customers reduce sensitive data exposure by providing visibility into where sensitive data is stored, who has access to it, and the risk that access poses to the environment, workloads, and users.
What is Rubrik Cloud Vault?
Rubrik Cloud Vault is a managed cloud service, sold and supported by Rubrik, giving organizations a viable solution for a cloud data vault to deliver on their data security goals and objectives.
Rubrik Cloud Vault allows organizations to extend Rubrik Zero Trust Data Security to the cloud to keep immutable, logically air gapped copies of their data. Having an account-isolated data copy in a secure cloud vault, separate from the organization's core IT environment, gives IT professionals a peace of mind that they have clean data, readily available for recovery.
Rubrik Cloud Vault is a simple, safe, and quick way to leverage cloud storage for backup and archival needs. Built on Azure blob storage, this managed service not only ensures data cannot be deleted or encrypted, but also comes at a predictable price that includes storage and egress charges, eliminating worries of variable cloud spend.
What does a Rubrik Customer Experience Manager (CEM) do?
A Rubrik CEM conducts monthly health checks to confirm the eligible solution is configured properly to meet data security best practices and other requirements. Along with thorough health checks, the CEM reviews will provide in-depth analysis of your organization’s performance trends and help identify areas where functionality can be further optimized.
What are the warranty coverage tiers, and how is the applicable payment cap determined?
The warranty coverage tiers correspond to the amount of customer data protected by the Eligible Solution (in the customer’s premises on Rubrik cluster(s), the backup tier of Rubrik Cloud Vault, and/or Rubrik managed cloud storage environments) for the applicable warranty period. The tier determines the total payment cap based on the table below:
Amount of Protected Data* |
250 TB to < 500 TB | $250,000 |
500 TB to < 750 TB | $500,000 |
750 TB to < 5 PB | $1,000,000 |
5 PB to < 10 PB | $5,000,000 |
10 PB and above | $10,000,000 |
*The amount of Protected Data in compliance with the terms of the Ransomware Recovery Warranty Agreement at the time of the Ransomware Incident determines the applicable tier.
The customer data tiers above are calculated based on the amount of data for supported workloads customer protects using the Eligible Solution software. Please note that a minimum of 250 TB of data must be deployed on subscription Enterprise Edition or Enterprise Proactive Edition; additional data beyond 250 TB, backed up by an Eligible Solution in the customer’s premises on Rubrik cluster(s) by Rubrik cluster software, in the backup tier of Rubrik Cloud Vault with immutability and Instant Archive enabled, or in a Rubrik managed cloud storage environment, is considered customer data protected by the Eligible Solution. Data protected by Rubrik in multiple locations (e.g., in on premises storage and in Rubrik Cloud Vault) may be “double-counted” when determining the warranty payment cap.
What expenses are covered by this warranty in the event of a Ransomware Incident?
Fees and expenses directly related to the unsuccessful recovery, restoration, or recreation of customer data protected by the Eligible Solution, up to the payment cap, are eligible for reimbursement under the warranty.
How long is this offer covered for customers (i.e., contractual term)?
The warranty begins once the customer (i) enrolls in the Ransomware Recovery Warranty program and accepts the Ransomware Recovery Warranty Agreement, and (ii) the CEM and customer have implemented the security protocols after the customer’s initial health check. Thereafter, the warranty is effective for as long as the customer is active on their Enterprise Edition or Enterprise Proactive Edition subscription, active on their CEM contract, and actively conducting and complying with the CEM monthly health checks. If the customer pauses or is not in compliance with the monthly health checks at any point, they will no longer be eligible for the warranty.
How much does the warranty cost?
There is no charge to the customer for the warranty. The warranty is made available to customers that subscribe to at least 250 BETB of Rubrik’s Enterprise Edition or Enterprise Proactive Edition license along with a concurrent subscription to a CEM.
Are the terms and conditions of the warranty negotiable?
No. The terms and conditions of the Ransomware Recovery Warranty Agreement are non-negotiable.
Are pre-existing events covered by the warranty?
No. Both the ransomware and recovery incidents must take place during the applicable warranty period.
What are the data security best practices that need to be implemented?
Are Rubrik Security Cloud - Government (RSC-G) or Rubrik Security Cloud - Private (RSC-P) eligible for the warranty?
No, RSC-G and RSC-P are not eligible for the warranty.
Are end customers of Rubrik MSPs and GSIs eligible for the warranty?
No, end customers of MSPs and GSIs are not eligible for the warranty.
In which countries is the warranty available?
The warranty is currently available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa, Sweden, and Singapore.