As Chris Wahl wrote previously…
It’s not often that I get to present to a room full of amazingly talented colleagues gathered from all around the world. But when I do, it’s typically during one of Gestalt IT’s Field Day presentations.
While Rubrik has presented 5 times at Tech Field Day Events, presenting at Cloud Field Day 3 was particularly special. For the first time, we were able to host the delegates at our groovy HQ in Palo Alto. The tree outside turned out to be a great location for the Cloud Field Day 3 group photo.

BUT…before the Rubrik presentations, we loved watching a brand new company launch from stealth – Droplet Computing. It brought a tear to our eyes as we remembered how we ended our own stealthy ways not even three short years ago.
Chris Wahl kicked off our sessions with an introduction to Rubrik, our vision for the future, and recent announcements, including Rubrik Datos IO and the new Rubrik Polaris SaaS platform.
His intro helped set the stage for the upcoming presentations, which was appreciated by Tim Crawford and Scott D. Lowe.

Next, we moved into a deep dive and demo of CloudOut, our long-term retention technology (some even call it “archive”), presented by yours truly. CloudOut enables our customers to cost effectively use public cloud storage for long-term retention, avoid tape, and get more from their data. It’s only possible via some pretty unique and interesting Intellectual Property.
While the vast majority of our customers use CloudOut, and it’s been around since the very beginning, we realized we’d never dug into it for Field Day audiences. It was time to fix that.
I really appreciated the discussion in the room, as well as online. I think a few delegates (Scott D. Lowe, Keith Townsend, and Matt Crape) shed a tear for their storage experiences of yesteryear.

While it required assistance from the depths of Rubrik Engineering (thanks!), Ken Hui went into a technical preview of our upcoming Native AWS Protection. Cloud providers such as AWS give you primitives to protect your data, but orchestrating and managing your data’s lifecycle requires additional assembly. Rubrik simplifies AWS data protection so companies can focus on building their business logic.
Of all the sections, the delegates had the most questions for Ken – this is clearly an area where there’s a lot of interest. Discussion from Keith Townsend, Ned Bellavance, and Nathaniel Avery:

To keep it rolling, Rebecca Fitzhugh and Marcus Faust launched into the “Integrate with Anything” section, which featured not one but two demos. The ability to integrate with any service portal is imperative for any large enterprise or MSP. Rubrik is capable of integrating with any service portal that can consume RESTful APIs. To show our API-driven architecture in action, this session walked through demos of vCloud Director and ServiceNow.
The delegate feedback continued to be fun to read and respond to – lots of conversations happening throughout the event. Excerpts here courtesy of Justin Warren and Michelle Laverick.

To bring it home, Chris Wahl returned to give a first look at the newly announced Rubrik Polaris SaaS platform. He also used it as an opportunity to give the first ever public demo of Rubrik Polaris GPS, our premier data management application.
Aside from a request for “pew-pew” sound effects, there was discussion around how Rubrik Polaris showed the next stage of Rubrik’s vision.

I think these tweets from Tim Crawford and Justin Warren summarized the day well. I couldn’t say it any better myself (and it’s a bit awkward if I do say it myself 🙂 ).

Thanks to all who attended, listened, and watched both now and in the future! You can find all the videos online at the Tech Field Day site: Rubrik Presents at Cloud Field Day 3.
So what’s next? Don’t hesitate to reach out for an in-person meeting or an online conversation on Rubrik. We’d love to discuss your cloud data management needs!